For further information contact:
Chairperson: Alec Dodson.
Editor & Production: Sue Simmonds and Caroline Hare
Click The Rooster Association. for more information.
There is evidence that a news magazine entitled The Rooster was produced by Roos Primary School in the late 1970's. However it was short lived.
In August 1985 Leslie Helliwell published a village newsletter entitled The Rooster. It consisted of two grey sheets of typescript produced on a rotary duplicator. A far cry from the technologies now readily available.
Until he left the area, a Withernsea based printer provided professional services free of charge which enabled the introduction of photographs.
Sadly, this was not to last and for the following four years The Rooster was produced on a word processor and reproduced by photocopying. The quality was poor.
Later, with computer desk top publishing and printer, a good quality master was able to be generated. This was then laser printed commercially. Distribution extended to cover residents in Tunstall, Hilston and Owstwick and beyond.
In 2006, Leslie Helliwell, its publisher and editor for over twenty years, initiated the formation of a committee, The Rooster Association, to ensure its continuity. This body is now responsible for its editorial policy and publication.
In July 2007, the purchase of a laser printer ensured greater independence but was very time consuming for those involved. As a consequence in 2009 printing was undertaken by a professional printing company. In early 2011, the committee perceived that support and interest was waning and it recommended that publication cease and its affairs wound up.
At the 11th hour, on the point of closure, volunteers came forward and it became possible to establish a new committee and a 'new look' Rooster to be developed. Under the Chairmanship of Cllr. W Ainley, a "root and branch" review of the Rooster was undertaken. The valuable advice and encouragement of a professional graphic designer led to the re-introduction of an A4 format, professionally printed and stapled publication. A full colour version was developed for uploading to the parish web site.
However, at the AGM held in April 2014 the editorial team stood down from The Rooster Association and members subsequently moved to dissolve the Rooster Association within the terms of its Constitution. The residual financial balance was transferred into a sub account of Roos Parish Council for safe keeping. If after a period of five years the Council could dispose of residual funds for the benefit of the parish.
About a year later, in 2015, it became clear that there was need for a simple newsletter within the community and the Rooster was published via Facebook.
In 2022, a new committee and editorial team was established under the Chairmanship of Alec Dodson.
A newbanner heading was intoduced.
Publications on-line
Many early editions of The Rooster, starting with No. 1, first published in March 1985, are available on-line.